Bingo Fun for all the Family
Not sure how to play BINGO? Want to add some extra fun to the game? Simply use a ruler and some paper and make your own cards and you and your family can get started.
Simply use spare coins or buttons for markers or simply make your own markers.
Bingo cards can be played with pictures or words – simply replace numbers with vocabulary words or pictures to help teach students vocabulary and recognition skills.
We suggest three different types of picture bingo cards that you can make using an A4 piece of paper a ruler to make the squares simply fill in the boxes with magazine cut outs (pictures) or phrases or for the traditional players with numbers.
For the most fun we suggest 3×3, 4×4 and 5×5 grids. If you are doing picture bingo use a theme that you select. You may also use Excel to print the blank bingo cards and boxes and then, give children a variety of stickers to make their own cards.
You may want to laminate the bingo cards after you have made them. You can also print the call sheet on heavier paper or glue the page to a piece of cardboard before you cut the call pieces out. These two suggestions will allow you to use these bingo cards for many more games.
An example of themes, we suggest by combining ideas or themes i.e. Thomas the Tank Engine, Dora the Explorer, Little Bear and Maggie and the Ferocious Beast you could make a “Children’s TV” bingo card. This can be necessary when you need 30 images to make a bingo card and it’s tough to come up with 30 different images for just one show.